Geek’s Blog

Tag: cybersecurity tips

  • Online safety seminars

    Online safety seminars

    Educating New Zealand seniors about the importance of online safety Since starting business in 2005, Geeks on Wheels has been helping New Zealander’s both young and old with online safety. In the last 20 years, the online landscape has evolved significantly, not only in New Zealand but across the world. Now, the lives of Kiwis…

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  • NZ Post Scams: what to look out for!

    NZ Post Scams: what to look out for!

    Of recent, Kiwis have been facing a significant surge of NZ Post scams flooding their message inboxes! These deceptive scams are circulating through both email and text channels, with NZ Post scam text messages being one of the more predominant delivery methods. The goal in mind is to acquire your personal or financial information and/or…

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  • Scams to look out for in 2024

    Scams to look out for in 2024

    Do you know what scams to look out for in 2024? Well, we’re here to help! In this blog we’re sharing some common scam tactics we’ve seen in New Zealand so far this year. With the first few months of the year behind us, it’s a great time to look at the types of scams…

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  • An overview of Nigel Latta’s “You’ve been scammed”

    An overview of Nigel Latta’s “You’ve been scammed”

    Respected clinical psychologist Nigel Latta is the host and presenter of a new 4-part TV documentary aired in July on TVNZ and TVNZ+. “You’ve been scammed by Nigel Latta” brings together Nigel Latta and an array of New Zealand internet safety experts to show how scammers can exploit Kiwis. And most importantly, how we can…

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  • Romance Scams in 2023

    Romance Scams in 2023

    Hey, Geek fans, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner it’s the month of love! Which means some of us will be craving some extra TLC this February! With social media and online dating, it is easier than ever to find romantic connections with people from all over the world! But, along with convenience, connecting…

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  • The best 2FA authenticator apps for 2022

    The best 2FA authenticator apps for 2022

    Howdy, Geeks! Did you know that October is Cyber Security Awareness month? So, this month we’re covering ways to improve your cyber security through two-factor authentication (2FA) and its different security method options. In particular, we’re going to focus on the security method, third-party authenticator apps. Two-factor authentication has become a common and practical method…

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  • Free steps you can take to stay safer online

    Free steps you can take to stay safer online

    Hi Geeks! We talk about cyber security a lot, but we also can’t stress enough how important it is. That’s why this month we’re giving you some of our best free cyber tips on how to stay safe online. Even better, some of the best ways to stay safe without spending anything! Cyber security is…

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  • 6 tips to stay cyber safe on holiday

    6 tips to stay cyber safe on holiday

    Hi, Geeks! We know many of you are looking forward to trips away and holidays now that the border is properly open at last. Check out our top tips for staying cyber safe on your travels! There’s nothing quite like cold, rainy weather to get you thinking about taking a holiday. Whether you’re planning an…

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  • Still working from home? Cybersecurity tips you NEED to know!

    Still working from home? Cybersecurity tips you NEED to know!

    Hi Geeks – especially to all Geeks who are working from home these days! This month, we have some tips for you on how to keep your data and devices secure when working from home. During the lockdowns, as many as four in 10 of us worked from home. And even though New Zealand looks…

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  • Protect your business online: 2022 Cybersecurity tools and tips

    Protect your business online: 2022 Cybersecurity tools and tips

    Hello, Geek Businesses! This month we’re putting a spotlight on cyber security, and focusing on how to protect your business online. So we’ve put together some of our best tips and tools to help you keep your company safe.  Cyber security has become a major concern for many Kiwi businesses over the past few years,…

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  • Stay safe online: 2022 Cybersecurity tools and tips

    Stay safe online: 2022 Cybersecurity tools and tips

    Hi Geek Fans! We all know it’s important to stay safe online, but do we know how? This month we’ve put together our best tips for staying safe online in your everyday browsing. In 2021, the Norton Life Lock Cyber Safety Insights Report found that almost half of Kiwis (47%) said that they didn’t know…

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