Terms and Conditions

This document sets out the terms and conditions upon which Seaview Enterprises Limited, trading as Geeks on Wheels, will provide you Services and/or Products.

By using any of our services and/or products, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


1.1 In these Terms and Conditions:

“Call Centre Hours” means 8am to 6pm on any Working Day other than Saturday and 8.30am to 4pm on any Working Day that is a Saturday;  

“Cancellation Fee” means a fee of $60.00 inc GST for cancelling an On-site Visit other than in accordance with clause 2.2; and which is intended to recompense us for our reasonable costs incurred in responding to your On-site Visit which you have not cancelled in reasonably adequate time. 

“Fees” means, for each On-site Visit, the applicable Minimum Fees plus the applicable Incremental Fee set out below plus any Product Fee: 

All prices are inclusive of GSTMinimum FeesIncremental Fee*
Callout Fee for ALL On-site Visits$35.00
Minimum On-site Rate of 1 Hour – within the Region – Home Users$162.00$40.50 /quarter hour
Minimum On-site Rate of 1 Hour – within the Region – Business Users$162.00$40.50 /quarter hour
Minimum Same Day On-site Rate of 1 Hour – within the Region – All Users $162.00$40.50 /quarter hour
Minimum On-site Rate of 1 Hour – Outside the Region – All Users $162.00 + $4/km travel beyond region boundary$40.50 /quarter hour
Minimum Same Day On-site Rate of 1 Hour – Outside the Region – All Users $162.00 + $4/km travel beyond region boundary$40.50 /quarter hour
Minimum Offsite Rate of 1 Hour $162.00$40.50 /quarter hour
Minimum On-site Rate of 1 Hour – within the Region – Gold Card Users $145.80$36.45 /quarter hour
Minimum On-site Rate of 1 Hour – within the Region – Geek Plus Members $129.60 $32.40 /quarter hour 

*The Incremental Fee applies for each stated period after the first hour of the On-site Visit. The period of each On-site Visit will commence from the time we arrive at your premises. Each On-site Visit outside the Region will incur a travel charge of $4/km for travel past the boundary of the Region we service; 

“Information” has the meaning given to that term in clause 6.2;

“On-site Visit” means a single on-site visit made by us for the purpose of providing Services and/or Products; 

“No Show Fee” means a fee of $162.00 inc GST for non-attendance by the customer at an On-site Visit which results in our technician not being able to execute the On-site Visit as booked. 

“Products” means any hardware, software or other products provided by us and for clarification, it is important to note clause 5.8 of these Terms and Conditions relating to the purchase of software;

“Product Fees” means the fees or cost quoted by us for any Product purchased by you;

“Region” means the region of operation as indicated on our website: www.geeksonwheels.co.nz;

“Services” means the on-site computer maintenance, support and/or consulting services reasonably requested by you and provided by us during an On-site Visit; 

“Terms and Conditions” means these terms and conditions;

“we”, “us” or “our” means the company detailed above trading as Geeks on Wheels;

“Working Day” means any day other than a Sunday, a statutory public holiday in the Region or a Saturday in relation to which the previous Friday or following Monday is a statutory public holiday in the Region;

“Working Hours” means 8am to 8:30pm on any Working Day; and

“you” or “your” means the customer its agent and employees or any person acting on behalf of and with the authority of the customer that requested the Call Out.


2.1 Where you arrange an On-site Visit, we will attend the premises for that On-site Visit during the arranged time bracket. 

2.2 To cancel or stop an On-site Visit, you must advise one of our telephone operators before the end of the last Call Centre Hour on the previous Working Day. If you cancel an On-site Visit other than in accordance with this clause 2.2, you must pay a Cancellation Fee for that On-site Visit. If you fail to cancel an On-site Visit and you do not attend the On-site Visit during the arranged time bracket and location you must pay a No Show Fee for the On-site Visit. 


3.1 In consideration of the Fees, we will perform the Services in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

3.2 At the beginning of the On-site Visit:

(a) we will try to diagnose any problem described by you; and

(b) we may provide an estimate of the time required to provide any Services.

However, we do not guarantee any diagnosis or estimate of time will be accurate.

3.3 The duration of the On-site Visit will be agreed with you. If the Services are not complete within that duration, we will discuss the options available, which may include extending that On-site Visit, arranging another On-site Visit or abandoning the Services. You may stop an On-site Visit at any time subject to clause 2.2. 

3.4 Regardless of clauses 3.2 or 3.3, once an On-site Visit commences, you must pay the Fees for that On-site Visit, including the Minimum Callout and On-site Visit Fee. 

3.5 To enable us to undertake the Services:

(a) you must provide us with all information, assistance, co-operation and access to premises and equipment that we may reasonably require to undertake the Services; and

(b) you, or some person over 16 yrs, must be present while we provide the Services.

3.6 We will use reasonable endeavours to achieve the objectives of the Services but we provide no guarantee, express or implied that the objective will be achieved and we will not be liable for any failure to meet the objectives provided we have used our reasonable endeavours.


4.1 Where agreed with you, we will provide Products as part of an On-site Visit and subject to these Terms and Conditions.

4.2 Ownership of products remains with us until payment is made in full from cleared funds for the Products.

4.3 We supply the Products to you on condition that we have a purchase money security interest (as defined by the Personal Property Security Act 1999) in the Products.

4.4 If you fail to make payment in whole or part for the Products you have ordered, we may re-possess and re-sell or retain the Products and may for that purpose enter upon your premises or any other premises upon which the Products are situated at any time and without notice and without being in any way liable to you or any other person or entity.

4.5 The risk of any loss or damage to any of the Products sold, or deterioration of the Products, due to any cause whatsoever shall pass to you upon delivery of the Products. If the Products remain in our possession owing only to the failure by you to accept the Products at your request, such Products shall be at your risk.


5.1  We will invoice the Fees for each On-site Visit at the end of the On-site Visit and you must pay those Fees to us at the end of the On-site Visit (“the Due Date”). 

5.2 Any other amounts payable under these Terms and Conditions, including Cancellation Fees, will be payable immediately upon issuance of our invoice.

5.3 Depending upon whether any further services or work may be required to be carried out by us following out diagnosis of the problem described by you or any Products you may order to be supplied to you, we may require a deposit to be paid by you on account of any additional service cost we may reasonably incur or on account of the Product Fees.

5.4 Payment must be made in cash, EFTPOS, approved credit card or internet banking. If using internet banking, you must provide us a printed copy of the confirmation of payment printed from your internet banking screen at the completion of the On-site Visit.

5.5 If you do not pay on time, you must pay interest to us at the rate of 25% per annum from the Due Date until the date payment is received by us in full and you must pay any additional administration and debt collection costs (including legal costs).

5.6 If your account is in default, we may cease work on any matter for you until the default is remedied.

5.7 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy we may have against you, if you fail to make payment of any monies due to us on the Due Date in respect of any work or installation we may have carried out on your computer while in our possession, you accept that we may at our discretion retain a worker’s lien over your computer which we have worked on, pursuant to the provisions of the Wages Protection and Contractors Liens Repeal Act 1987 until payment is made by you.


5.8 You acknowledge and agree that if you have ordered Products comprising software by electronic delivery and that software has been installed by us and the software licence is activated either on your computer or a computer you have agree to purchase, then it is not reasonably practicable to remove the software installation or de-activate the software. In that event and for that reason once you have ordered the software with the instruction to proceed with installation, you agree that you shall be committed to that purchase of the software and subject to these Terms and conditions and the software cannot be returned unless we agree otherwise pursuant to a specific individual agreement made with you by us at our discretion, within seven days of invoice.

5.9 Once you have confirmed your order with us for the supply of any Products, then unless we are unable to supply such Products upon the terms specified, you will be committed to the purchase of those Products and have no right of cancellation or refund of monies paid but subject at all times to these Terms and Conditions and your rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair Trading Act 1986, if applicable, unless we agree otherwise pursuant to a specific individual agreement made with you by us at our discretion, within seven days of invoice. We reserve the right in any such specific individual agreement to claim recovery of the reasonable administration and other cost we have incurred.


6.1 We will maintain as secret and confidential all information we obtain from you in providing the Services and will not use that information for any reason other than as necessary for providing the Services. This obligation will not apply to information that is in the public domain or that is known to us or obtained by us without breaching any obligation to you or that we are required to disclose by law.

6.2 You authorise us to collect, retain, use and provide to our staff and agents any personal information (“Information”) about you for the purposes of credit approval, meeting our obligations to you, marketing, and enforcing our rights against you.

For full privacy policy see here


7.1 We warrant that we will use reasonable skill and care in undertaking the Services.

7.2 No warranty is given for the Products where any failure or defect results from:

(a) improper storage or handling of the Products by you, your employees, agents or customers;

(b) use, installation, modification or alteration (including repair) of the Products other than as recommended or authorised in writing by the manufacturer or us;

(c) fair wear and tear on the Products;

(d) failure to maintain the Products in accordance with any care or maintenance instructions provided by us or the manufacturer; or

(e) any other matter or event specified in relation to a specific Product as invalidating or being excluded from any warranty.

7.3 Except as otherwise provided in the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 and the Fair Trading Act and subject to clause 8.1 of these terms and conditions your sole remedy in relation to the breach of any warranty under this agreement or at law, in relation to any:

(a) Service, will be for us to re-perform such Services to the required standard; or

(b) Product, will be for us to repair or replace such Product, at our option, provided that if neither option is available to us (as determined solely by us) we may refund the price paid for that Product.

7.4 We have no obligation to install, customise or provide any other Service in relation to any Products repaired or replaced due to a breach of any Product warranty.

7.5 You acknowledge that if the Services or Products are supplied for business purposes in terms of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 the guarantees provided under that Act do not apply.

7.6 Other than the warranties set out in these Terms and Conditions, all other express or implied warranties in respect of the Services and Products are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All statements, technical information and recommendations made by the manufacturer and/or us about the Services or Products are believed to be reliable, but do not constitute a guarantee or warranty express or implied by us to you.

7.7 You warrant that you are authorised to arrange each On-site Visit and, in providing the Services or Products, our access to your premises, use of the equipment, software, information or other material made available by you will not breach any third party rights.

7.8 Your Rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act

Your rights and remedies under the Geeks On Wheels 2-year warranty go over and over and above the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (CGA).

Under the CGA:

All Products Must:

– be of acceptable quality (durable, safe, ft for purpose, free from defects, acceptable in look or finish)
– be fit for any particular purpose you have told the supplier
– match a description, sample or model shown to you
– have good legal title, e.g. be able to be sold and not have any security interests registered against them
– be a reasonable price if no price is set
– arrive on time (within a reasonable time if not agreed) and in good condition
– have spare parts and repair facilities available (manufacturer is responsible). This does not apply if you are told about limited availability before you buy.

If these guarantees are not met, the supplier must remedy the issue by either repair, replacement, or if neither are possible, then a refund of the purchase price.

CGA Act 1993 http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1993/0091/latest/DLM311053.html

7.9 Geeks on Wheels 2-year warranty is applicable to certain products only when specified.

What Geeks on Wheels provides to you as part of its 2-year warranty on top of all of your standard rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act;

  • Parts and Labour are covered by Geeks On Wheels for 2 years from the time of purchase. This means you don’t have to contact the manufacturer, we’ll take care of it for you.
  • A one stop shop for handling your repair. If you think part of the hardware inside your computer has failed inside its warranty period, all you need to do is contact us and we can take it from there. We’ll assess the issue and if needed collect it from you free of charge, handle any required repair process and then return it to you.
  • Priority repairs – if in the unlikely event of any hardware part/s failing inside your computer within the warranty period, we will ensure the machine is repaired as fast as possible.
  • Free Insurance Report (If an insurance claim is needed).


8.1 The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, the Fair trading Act 1986 and any other statutes may apply warranties and conditions or impose obligations upon us which cannot by law (or which can only apply to a limited extent by law) be excluded or modified. In respect of any such implied warranties, conditions or terms imposed on us, our liability shall, where it is allowed, be excluded or if not able to be excluded, only apply to the lesser of the minimum extent required by the relevant statute or the fees paid under invoice for the Products or Services.

8.2 Except as otherwise provided in clause 8.1 in no event will we be liable (whether in contract, tort including negligence or otherwise) to you for:

(a) loss of profits or savings, loss of goodwill or opportunity, loss or corruption of data, or wasted staff time; or

(b) loss, damage, cost or expense of any kind whatsoever which is indirect, consequential, or of a special nature, arising directly or indirectly from any Services or Products supplied by us to you, even if we had been advised of the possibility of such loss, damage, cost or expense.

8.3 To the extent allowed by law, our total liability under any claim of any nature arising directly or indirectly from any Service or Product will not exceed the Fees paid by you for that Service or Product.

8.4 You indemnify us together with our officers, directors, agents, advisors and employees against any and all liability, losses, damages, costs, penalties and expenses of any nature whatsoever awarded against, incurred or suffered by us, or our officers, directors, agents, advisors and employees whether direct or consequential, arising out of or resulting from your breach of clause 7.7.


9.1 We may immediately terminate the agreement between us if we consider:

(a) you are in breach of these Terms and Conditions;

(b) there is any threat to the safety of any of our staff or agents;

(c) there to be the presence of unlicensed or illegal software;

(d) your equipment contains any pornographic, obscene, offensive or illegal content; or

(e) you are insolvent, bankrupt, in liquidation, unable to pay your debts, or otherwise an unacceptable credit risk to us.

9.2 If we terminate our agreement we will cease to undertake the Services and all Fees incurred up to that time will immediately become payable.


10.1 We will not be liable to you for any breach or delay or failure to perform any of our obligations where such breach or delay or failure is caused by anything beyond our reasonable control, including (without limitation) inability to obtain supplies, war, civil commotion, terrorism, strike, lockout, other industrial act, weather phenomena or other act of God (including any failure by any of our suppliers to supply on time).

10.2 The current Terms and Conditions at any time are available on our website: www.geeksonwheels.co.nz

10.3 New Zealand law governs the formation, validity, construction and performance of these Terms and Conditions.

10.4 These Terms and Conditions shall be binding on your legal representation, assignees and successors.

10.5 If any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall be invalid, void, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, existence, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, prejudiced or impaired.

10.6 No failure or delay on our part in exercising any power or right under these Terms and Conditions will operate as a waiver.


11.1 The promoter is: Seaview Enterprises Ltd company no. 6483903 Trading as Geeks on Wheels.

11.2 Competitions are open to residents of New Zealand except employees of Geeks on Wheels and their close relatives and anyone otherwise connected with the organisation or judging of the competition.

11.3 Any Competition or promotional special cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

11.4 Only one entry will be accepted per person unless stated otherwise

11.5 The promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the competition and these terms and conditions without notice in the event of a catastrophe, war, civil or military disturbance, act of God or any actual or anticipated breach of any applicable law or regulation or any other event outside of the promoter’s control. Any changes to the competition will be notified to entrants as soon as possible by the promoter.

11.6 The prize will be as stated and no cash or other alternatives will be offered.

11.7 Winners will be chosen: at random by software, from all entries received and verified by Promoter and or its agents.

11.8 If the winner cannot be contacted or do not claim the prize within 14 days of notification, we reserve the right to withdraw the prize from the winner and pick a replacement winner.

11.9 The promoter will notify the winner when and where the prize can be collected / is delivered.

11.10 The promoter’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the competition will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

11.11 The winner agrees to the use of his/her name and image in any publicity material, as well as their entry. Any personal data relating to the winner or any other entrants will be used solely in accordance with current New Zealand data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to a third party without the entrant’s prior consent.

11.12 You authorise us to collect, retain, use and provide to our staff and agents any personal information (“Information”) about you for the purposes of future marketing correspondence.

11.12 No responsibility can be accepted for entries not received for whatever reason.

11.13 Entry into the competition will be deemed as acceptance of these terms and conditions.


12.1 The vendor warrants that the system described for sale or trade in to Seaview Enterprises Ltd t/a Geeks on Wheels is owned by the vendor.
12.2 The vendor warrants that the system particulars provided by the vendor are true and correct.
12.3 The vendor is authorized to sell the system described and also able to give Seaview Enterprises LTD t/a Geeks On Wheels a valid and unencumbered title to the system free from registered or unregistered securities.
12.4 The vendor warrants that all securities and monies owed against the system have been cleared or disclosed to Seaview Enterprises LTD t/a Geeks On Wheels.
12.5 The vendor warrants that the system is not liable to be seized or forfeited to any authority such as the Customs Department.
12.6 The vendor has disclosed all known functional problems or issues and any known cosmetic defects to Seaview Enterprises LTD t/a Geeks On Wheels.
12.7 The vendor gives permission to Seaview Enterprises LTD t/a Geeks On Wheels to Refurbish, Resell, Recycle or Destroy the system provided to us by the vendor.
12.8 The vendor has a copy of all wanted data on the system or has removed any data from the system and authorizes Seaview Enterprises LTD t/a Geeks On Wheels to confidentially and securely erase any data remaining on the system.
12.9 Any quote given to the vendor by Seaview Enterprises LTD t/a Geeks On Wheels is subject to the system being described going through a validation process. This process involves Seaview Enterprises LTD t/as Geeks On Wheels, checking the machines specifications, condition and testing it for any faults/issues.
12.10 Seaview Enterprises LTD t/a Geeks On Wheels reserves the right to re-quote for the purchase of or cancel the purchase of the system described in this document should it not meet the criteria initially outlined the validation process.


13.1 The System is a Geek Approved Pre-Owned System not a brand-new unit from the stated manufacture. Also known as “Secondhand”.
13.2 The System comes with a 12 Month Return to Base Warranty. This warranty covers the cost of parts and labor, at a nominated Geeks on Wheels base, should any parts in the system fail within 12 Months. Part failure caused by improper use of, care of or storage of the unit at any time is not covered by this warranty.
13.3 The purchaser reserves all of their rights under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993.

14. NOW Broadband Services

14.1 Geeks on Wheels is selling these Broadband Services as Reseller on behalf of NOW.

14.2 Accordingly, if you order NOW Broadband Services through us, you expressly acknowledge that the provision of NOW Broadband services is solely governed by NOW’s Terms and Conditions

14.2.1 https://www.nownz.co.nz/terms-conditions/residential-terms-and-conditions-new/ and

14.2.2 https://d1acq29e7jo33e.cloudfront.net/media/documents/Residential_Broadband_Service_Terms_UursCtq.pdf


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