Geek’s Blog

Tag: battery health

  • What to do if your laptop is not charging

    What to do if your laptop is not charging

    Why is my laptop not charging? We’ve all been there before, dumbfounded why the charging icon isn’t appearing when you plug your laptop in to charge. Fortunately, there are some simple strategies for troubleshooting your charging issues instead of losing all hope! Let’s get into them now. Is your charger actually plugged in? This one…

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  • Extend the life of your smartphone’s battery

    Extend the life of your smartphone’s battery

    Hey Geeks! There are many reasons we might need to cough up funds for a new smartphone. One being due to our smartphone’s battery reaching the end of its lifespan or exhibiting severely diminished power capacity. Although this is eventually inevitable, there are habits that you can scratch and ones you can adopt to extend…

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