How did anyone ever live without apps? This month, we’re looking into some of the best and most useful apps you might need while living in New Zealand.
When the iOS app store first launched in 2008, there were just 500 or so apps to choose from. Today, estimates suggest that figure is well into the millions. So how do you determine which apps are worth your time, your investment, and your limited storage space? We’ve done the leg work and collated our list of the best apps you need while living in New Zealand in 2022.
If you have a favourite app we’d love to hear from you so we can add them to our list and spread the word! Simply comment on our social media post here!
The Spark Voicemail app

The Spark Voicemail app is designed to make it significantly easier to retrieve voicemail messages. It gives you a transcript of your voicemail automatically, so you can read what it says, or hit play to hear an automated version.
This is a handy tool for anyone, but especially for busy businesspeople who want to quickly see the message without having to call through to their voicemail inbox.
Note that this app is only available for Spark customers.
PayMyPark and AT Park
Finding a parking spot can be a nightmare when you’re living in New Zealand, especially in the city area. But there are apps that can make it significantly easier.
PayMyPark and ATPark work in similar ways. PayMyPark operates in cities and towns all over New Zealand, whereas ATPark is based in Auckland. They both allow you to pay for and manage your parking through your phone, so you don’t need to worry about paying at the machine. You can also extend your stay or cut it short, saving you time by not having to go back and put more money in the meter, and saving you cash by not paying for more than you need.
Snap Send Solve

Graffiti, dumped rubbish, road damage, and other council-related issues are not uncommon in New Zealand. However, it’s not always clear what you can do about it.
With Snap Send Solve, you can take a photo of the problem and send it through to the relevant authority within just 30 seconds. This puts the issue on their radar so they can work on getting it fixed.

We all know about Uber, but there is a local New Zealand alternative called Zoomy. While it is essentially the same thing as Uber, this app focuses on giving fairer rates to both passengers and drivers.
Right now, Zoomy is available in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Tauranga, and Hawke’s Bay. It has plans to expand to other centres in the near future.

OODLZ is an app that was designed to help Kiwis get out and do more things, connect with others, and support local businesses.
The app helps you find awesome experiences and adventures, from dining out to hiking, to taking tours. When you complete an experience, you’ll earn points and rewards. This is the perfect app if you’re looking to explore more of New Zealand, or introduce a visitor to your local area.

Thirsty but far from home? RefillNZ helps you find participating businesses and places where you can refill your water bottle for free.
This can help you to stop buying more single-use plastic bottles while you’re on the road.

Touted as Australia and New Zealand’s most popular travel app, CamperMate offers more than 100,000 points across the country. These points cover places to stay, places to play, and much more, giving you a guide to camping in NZ within the app.
Other travellers add their own tips and reviews, so you get a real idea of what places are like before you arrive. You can also book accommodation and activities within the app, and access special deals and discounts.

Do you have countless loyalty cards for cafes, bars, restaurants, and shops all over New Zealand? Storcard lets you keep them all digitally in your phone, saving you a lot of physical space in your wallet.
It also includes special deals at your favourite places.
Google Maps

From real-time GPS navigation that includes road incidents and speed traps, to finding businesses nearby and figuring out how to get somewhere via public transport, Google Maps is essential for everyday life.
Once you have it on your phone, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

Anyone living in New Zealand knows just how quickly the weather can change. Looking out the window and seeing a sunny day doesn’t guarantee that it will stay sunny, but the Metservice app can give you a better idea of what to expect.
There’s a NZ Weather App, a Rural App, a Marine App, and a Snow App, depending on your location and interests.
Keep an eye out for more great apps coming in part two!