Scam Protection

Get your scam protection sorted

If you’re here because you think you might have been scammed or if you have if downloaded any files or given any personal information, then make sure to follow these steps. Disconnect your device from the internet, contact your bank and inform them of the potential breach and then give us a call on 0800 424 335 to book an appointment to assess your computer for security breaches.

Unfortunately, the prevalence of online scams is continuing to grow, making scam protection more important than ever before. Kiwis are falling victim to scammers every day, with $189 million dollars lost to scammers in 2023 alone. Ensuring you and your devices are adequately protected is more important than ever.

Build your scam resilience – GeekSafe™

There is no one tool that offers 100% online safety. But, by arming yourself with the correct knowledge, ensuring you take certain precautions and keeping up to date with constantly changing technology you can make yourself and your devices safer.

Thankfully Geeks on Wheels makes keeping on top of all that easier than ever.
With our GeekSafe™ membership you have access to a dedicated “Scam Checking Service”  where you forward us any suspicious electronic messages you’ve received and our experts will assess and to the best of our ability, offer advice on whether we think there is any scam (malicious) content. You’ll also receive our Monthly Newsletters” which provide information regarding the latest scams, both online and otherwise with expert advice on spotting and avoiding them. Members also receive our “Urgent Scam Updates” which share updates on alarming, new and emerging scams that we are made aware of.

Device updates for scam protection

Having an up to date device running up to date software and programs helps to keep you protected. Did you know operating system updates include security patches which help to increase the overall security of your device? They also help to make your device, faster, safer and more functional.

Our skilled mobile technicians can assist with checking what updates are available for your device, installing the latest available operating system versions and bringing all of your software up to date.

Health & Security testing

Tired of annoying popups or a painfully slow device? Your device may be due a health and security check. One of our expert technicians can scan your device to determine the drive health as well as unearth any unwanted or suspicious files or malware. We can then continue with Malware removal to ensure your device is clean, free of viruses and safe to use.

Antivirus Installation

Once your device is updated, and any existing threats are removed it’s vital that you add additional defences. These will keep you and your device safe and secure.
Although your computer likely comes with a built in antivirus protection, we always recommend installing a premium option. At Geeks on Wheels we exclusively, sell and recommend Malwarebytes. To learn more about antivirus and why we recommend Malwarebytes be sure to read our detailed article.

Overall, as part of our scam protection service, we can help with:

  • Scam detection – GeekSafe™.
  • Computer Updates.
  • Software Updates.
  • Device Health Checks.
  • Antivirus Installation.
  • Digital Safety Education.
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